\\ illegal software + trafficking and cycling74 and v.good friends

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Wed Jun 18 04:53:08 CEST 2003

>>At 4:24 AM +0300 10/5/02, saund at e118.lv wrote:
>>>Any one have used cracked version of th esubj ?
>>I will see the people at Cycling74 tomorrow and I will ask them for 
>>you. I will also give them your e-mail address so they can answer you 
>>Richard Zvonar, PhD
>>(818) 788-2202
>Dear Richard,
>Do ask the family man and criminal David Zicarelli, why Jitter is illegally 
>based on NATO.0+55 and addtl. NN intellectual property.
>Cycling74 has committed crimes far exceeding asking for a "cracked" version of an illegal 
>software - eg. Jitter.
>Additionally, Cycling74 employees' disk drives are saturated with stolen software from 
>practically every manufacturer.
>Likewise Cycling74 employees routinely traffic in stolen software, from practically every 
>Nonetheless Cycling74 has committed many more crimes - http://www.m9ndfukc.org/cycling74
>>I will see the people at Cycling74 tomorrow

Richard, forget we mustn't

After reverse engineering NATO.0+55 and several other NN programs.
Cycling74 criminal and serf Joshua Kit Clayton has stated that

"Thievery is learning".  


In defense, Cycling74's attorney (clearly a simply.superior match for Zicarelli) has said:

1. Cycling74 is not guilty of thieving because they do not know the law.
2. Cycling74 is not guilty because NN asked for it, by allegedly flirting.

>I will see the people at Cycling74 tomorrow

It all began so innocently ____...
then the lessons came

and learning commenced

vr!endel!jk. nn

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