\\ illegal software + trafficking and cycling74 and v.good friends

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Wed Jun 18 04:36:46 CEST 2003

>At 4:24 AM +0300 10/5/02, saund at e118.lv wrote:
>>Any one have used cracked version of th esubj ?
>I will see the people at Cycling74 tomorrow and I will ask them for 
>you. I will also give them your e-mail address so they can answer you 
>Richard Zvonar, PhD
>(818) 788-2202

Dear Richard,

Do ask the family man and criminal David Zicarelli, why Jitter is illegally 
based on NATO.0+55 and addtl. NN intellectual property.

Cycling74 has committed crimes far exceeding asking for a "cracked" version of an illegal 
software - eg. Jitter.

Additionally, Cycling74 employees' disk drives are saturated with stolen software from 
practically every manufacturer.

Likewise Cycling74 employees routinely traffic in stolen software, from practically every 

Nonetheless Cycling74 has committed many more crimes - http://www.m9ndfukc.org/cycling74

>I will see the people at Cycling74 tomorrow

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