"Since Mr Clayton should be back in the country by now ..."

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Jun 8 11:33:25 CEST 2003

!vo zkor!c kompla!n!ng ov all kountr!ez he haz a c!t!zn b!n ov 4 dzat !z uat xyz do 

>Why would somebody who makes $60k a year in 
>cash growing weed want to go into bombing business? 

l!keu!sz d!d george wash!ngton grou `ueed` - at dze t!me az hemp knoun - 
or mor prez!zl! h!z blak zlavez - at dze t!me knoun az `3\5thz people` - d!d

!vo + dze aud!ensz ma! note progresz = !nev!tabl

nn - f!ngrt!pz

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