sediments of the virtual

anna balint epistolaris at
Wed Jul 16 10:54:46 CEST 2003

this time the urls work
[due to a long email exchange with human being 
and his patience]

7/15/2003 12:26:36 PM, anna balint <epistolaris at> wrote:

>hey, imagine what i found today in my real mailbox!
>the postmen made it, they could locate me at a non-
>existing address! here is a reward
>for the beautiful letter, an image of a Gusev, 
>thank you <lo_y.>!
>if you want to see you mail arriving at a virtual
>address, in a street named after an invented
>person, and if you want to make the Budapest
>postmen continue the historical mapping, 
>keep me posted at:

>Anna Balint
>1051 Budapest
>Sas u 9 III/4

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