\\ nn.book etc

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sat Feb 8 03:49:09 CET 2003


i want to gather you up again

>I would be interested 

in a vessel that makes you glad

>in obtaining a copy of the "nn \ nato.0+55 \
>korporat warfare [m9ndfzzp varianta] ___ book by nn + anna balint."
>i'm not sure if there are any more copies available.

the book will yield after immune.play [TM]

2. ~2m tall + fda approved [wearable. eatable. lickable. use your imaginatie]
4. o3 versions
7. very expensive + a free introduction by a balkan queen of lassitude [play.full vacuum fissure.
   there is a painful reward in loving me, similar to raising a child: 
   you pour so much of your self in me and then you have to give it away]

ekxtra informatie regarding the `book` and immune.play [TM (but not in hell]
at the 7th international symposium on signal processing in paris. france

likewise the geographical coordinates where among sensual leafy scenery the 
`netochka nezvanova` bio.korporate play(war)e quadrant is being lifed
may anticipate l i v i d applause from the centralized and\or homeless neo.modern bagatelle 
government kept girls and boys at "art \ science" waste recycling komplexes world wlwh

>also if there is a catalog of other cd's/books i would love to have a look
>at that.


>Listened to mp3's on /=cw4t7abs/krop3rom/mp3.html
>nightmarish, plz.
>Need cd. How to obtain?


nn \\ joy recommends itself . dze ekztaz!ez + haluz!naz!onz ov 01 visible ogl!nda

             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova                   nezvanova at eusocial.com

   Just Say Yes      !!!      http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
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