[syndicate] .fr internal affairs

astr ëe galbiatta astreegalbiatta at vnatrc.net
Sun Dec 28 19:46:17 CET 2003

& voilà, on est offline qq jours, & on se retrouve avec encore plus de
mimiles à jeter... o e-tempora, o e-mores :)

well, i guess most of subscribers know the "delete" key :)
but this new amount might be cause of several delete_finger_syndromas :(

tous mes voeux, anna,
tous mes voeux à tous !


> Dear Aliette Guibert, dear gentlemen,
> wow! i don't know how on earth  you deserved the univoque resent of
> .fr syndicalists, but we - the others - should find out.
> we don't unsub people on the list, you'll have to do it
> yourself in the end, if/when you get upset and tired of the list's
> stream. i am very sorry to say, but if Frederic is right -usually
> he is right- i bet that this will happen anyway.
> greetings,
> anna balint
> 12/22/2003 12:25:57 PM, Aliette Guibert <guibertc at criticalsecret.com>
> wrote:
>>Hi! My name is Aliette Guibert and I am coming from  multifield and
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