it is really ez to replace u and me

portholeaccel portholeaccel at
Sun Dec 28 10:46:04 CET 2003

truelove simply superior!
true for all occidentz.....
always has been like Pompeii
always will be like now 
hold tight sweet accidents soon we show you on
the 5 o clock news and you will be fa-mouse
and we put you in the TV muse-e.m 
hold me tight while we die hold me perfect and we
will be made truelove forever as if as if
hundterwasser as if as if those Victorian whores
<Egon> as if they ohhh well forgot beys .... as
if are green was not green enough <green party>
as if our sweet nuesseeland would not be there
for us to hide away ship wrecked and safe with
maori'z ohhhhhhhhhh
sweet true love  
as if we are all so sweet as dead
simply superior dead
simple glass menagerie
no no no simply KAFKA 
trulove forever

*************Bullauge Beschleuniger*********


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