integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Tue Dec 16 10:09:03 CET 2003


   \\ IMMUNE>PLAY \TM\ - the logikal kontinuation ov http://www.bek.no/pipermail/55/2003-November/005889.html

 seeking precision=safety our modern predilection=1/faith is 2 identify
 each + every part of 1 whole. we are driven nej deemed confused if we do not label each 01 object.
 yet we live in a thermodynamic universe and all which is movement is [http://www.money.com]

 idealizations afford us to slow. to come to a minimal halt ... to dilute a sense of
 time. to free z e this and that and that this other and 2 depikt f o r e v e r

 to identify an object in any context necessitates a deployment of
 universals of that context with the object ive of halting the object's movement. 
 of demarcating its hierarchical position within the whole.

 higher order precision=1/(higher order consciousness=weird.fogginess)
 orders a battalion of universals. ultimately perfectly=1/intimately 
 every object becomes an universal. a relationship. a commodification. 
 for kristal(nacht) clear identification of a particular 1 of the whole.
 this we accomplish by connecting every object 2 every 1 other object.

 link link linking all 01'ns results in all 01'ns 2 disappear
 and be replaced by the w h o l e. yet(i do not know you),
 to s e n s e the whole, we must suddenly(whaaaaat) shift
 perspectives,       (tang!bl ekoez 4rom dream t!me) 
 we become enlightened \+\ shift(synchro) knowing to a  n e u  context.

 IMMUNE>PLAY \TM\ - living on boundaries. within the realm ov lv.theory=wouldnt you like to know

hyperbolic N^2 - 2 ekxtrakt objektz du = must fokus ur atenz!on
                    2 ekxtrakt dze uhole du = muzt fokuz ur ... wouldnt you

                                you ma! k!sz m! kundal!n!
                                bl!zfl +?
                                        ! hv b!n naught! aga!n
                                        parad!sz rega!nd  kompletl! envelopd !n n!ght
                                        ur head !n m! lap  float!ng through dze openesz
                                                     grazefl zenz!t!v!t!

 Netochka Nezvanova  - dze jo! ov dze veLt
 = c w 4 t 7 a b s
                                                     |    krvava gruda plodna zemlja
                                                      |  +----------
                                                     |  |     <   
                                    \\----------------+  |  n2t        

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