Drago's wishful thinking

Miroslav Visic visic at pipeline.com
Sat Dec 13 20:26:57 CET 2003

Ivo Skoric wrote:

> ....most people do not chose their leaders according to the rules of
> arithmetic, but rather according to
> the emotional appeal. How else would we explain the phenomenon of
> Bush's victory?

It's easy.

For one, the voters' eligibility is not based on their IQ. And two, 70
percent of Americans get all the news from TV only.



"Once you have a business community that is so corrupt in a society whose
business is business, then what you have is, indeed, despotism. It is the
sort of authoritarian rule that the Bush people have given us. The USA
PATRIOT Act is as despotic as anything Hitler came up with — even using
much of the same language... The language used by the Clinton people to
frighten Americans into going after terrorists like Timothy McVeigh — how
their rights were going to be suspended only for a brief time — was
precisely the language used by Hitler after the Reichstag fire." -- Gore

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