\\ Cycling74 - do our work. If it is good we'll steal it.

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Tue Dec 2 00:57:56 CET 2003

mpc <mpc at proptronix.com> - another Cycling74 object

>>I have tested the vst~ object, and it works great (hooraay!).
>>Now I wonder if there is a similar object for DirectX plugins...
>No, sorry.  Maybe, it would be possible for a third party developer 
>to make such an object but probably very difficult.  One probably 
>could use a VST DXi wrapper with vst~ but it has not been tested. 
>The one that Cakewalk distributes seems to work fairly well.

Dear Cycling74 object - aren't you ashamed to suggest that third party developers
perform Cycling74's filthy work, especially considering Cycling74 is a jit.cess.pool
of digital bandits, software and music thieves ...


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