<no subject> HOPE

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Mon Dec 8 15:43:53 CET 2003

12/8/2003 6:14:29 AM, integer at www.god-emil.dk wrote:

>>but i don't love you as a man 

Dear Netochka Nezvanova,

>>but i don't love you as a man 

i am sorry to see that it still hurts.

in the name of all my positive experience with men 
that i can remember and i can revoke
browsing through my diary - also related to several
Romanian men - and suspecting that women could humanize even you,
i can say that if

+you would be a real man
+you would love me
+you could f. and danse well
+you would think positively
+you would earn x tolars/month
+you would change your helmet and you would look around
+you would see me
+you would be handsome
+you would wear comfortable shoes

than i would probably love you.

Anna Balint

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