hey there silly worm go play somewhere else like the CEO of wal-marts mailbox

portholeaccel portholeaccel at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 24 22:31:32 CEST 2003

has been sent three viruses so far ironic that they are taking the form of RHIZOME-RAW
digest emails  
as i do not like rhizome ____ 
hey there silly worm go play somewhere else like the CEO of wal-marts mailbox 
be gone demons!!!!!!!!!! 
i hope that works 

W32.Sobig.F at mm is a mass-mailing, network-aware worm that sends itself to all the email addresses
it finds in certain files on your PC. If you receive a message with an attachment with a .pif or
.src extension, we strongly suggest you scan it before downloading. The message may appear to be
from someone you know. 

*************Bullauge Beschleuniger*********


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