\\ m! non zl!p gr!p

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Wed Apr 23 06:04:53 CEST 2003

lets listen, )

my non-slip grip is only comfortable in hot water, I am a pioneer in extreme temperatures, 
as it cuts , it snags, it punctures, it oils,
its 30 gallon brain structure is fueled by industrial products, arguments are senseless conversations inside a realm of pure emotion,
the mind is protected by trash and duty bags, strong brackets are always included,
when it insists it moves, moving is an act, of aggression, perhaps, against atmosphere, (de)fence,
that which causes discomfort has proven useful,
we have insulated ourselves from reality and our dreams have suffered, our existence pretends, but it sits, like a sick dog/puppy on 3 cylinders, 
chemicals are strong, life has proven, stronger, 
to use a human simply unroll, snap off,
2 feet 6 inches inside oil everything changes, the normal e q settings get bent and resemble a more familiar historical event,)
do not be discouraged, source code exists, compilers have been assembled,
although war is inevitable (invisible & instinctual) it ends, the people can not live in a constant state of ajitation,)
before I ask myself, where does infinity end, I ask myself, where does it begin,) a logical conclusion to an underlying state of chaos,
or, before I ask myself, where does infinity end, I must find out where it begins,) a logical conclusion, naes paapapapapapapapapavvvvvvpapa avvvvvv: @?

- women smile at workers [ dze log!kl konkluzj!on ov prozt!tuzj!e T(ouch)mE(butnot!nhELlllllllllllle

\\ [c]ccp nn

                the bible - http://www.god-emil.dk/m9ndfukc/cycling74

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