\\ forced prostitution

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Apr 13 22:35:46 CEST 2003

zicarelli - owner of cycling74 thievery inc has said

>I just try to find
>ways to form connections with other people, maybe a few people
>will do something cool as a result. 

you attempt to monopolize + obtain a percentage of every max related software.

i refused your connections for i am not a prostitute like miller puckette et al

>maybe a few people
>will do something cool as a result. 

so you can license it or steal it.
win \ win situation - aren't worthless worms the quintessential family MEN


i refused and so you stole most of my property - inclusive music. software. papers.

there is more nato.0+55 in cycling74's property than licensed property.

you are sick. very.

your sickness has ensured i do not feel safe contributing to the evolution of ultra uneventful max
nor western society in general. unfortunately i am not the only.

                        \\  WESTERN PROGRESS = FORCED PROSTITUTION


                                >I just try to find ways to form connections with other people

                                ZICARELLI 2 all Cycling74 employees: 

                                I have a photo of NN. i will share it will all of you tomorrow. 
                                I also have some secret information from her roommate.

                                CLAYTON - ZICARELLI's korporat whore

                                >Learning is thievery


                                I surreptitiously removed objects from NN's software and reverse engineered them.
                                I like 242.lv - granular synthesis is nice.
                                I met with ZICARELLI at his house and told him what I found out.


                                NN, I am trying to copy your software. It is "fucking up". Why?

filthy murderers

>rene beekman

what were you cheering about korporat whore +?

nn - yellow star - marked for life


>Unsolicited advice:

! uear adv!zez l!ke kompaz!onat zm!lez

>There is simply too much computer programming to do to think
>that one can do it all. If one cannot do it all, one either
>ends up a frustrated competitor, or one realizes the value
>of cooperation. Ten or fifteen years ago, I wrote some programs that I
>thought people should use instead of some other programs.
>This didn't happen. I got rather angry. I decided people
>were stupid. At some point I   realized 

                                YOU SUCK

>it didn't matter whether
>people were stupid or not. I was never going to be so powerful
>that I could control how people thought about music. 

music = like nn. worlds within worlds. 
+ one returns home never by the same path [unless one is v.modern + konsumes tekkno which seldomly leaves the benadryld tonik

tekkno = b!o.sex sans m9ndfukc





             WHO IS THIS

>thought differently. This was a good thing, it meant that
>if one were serious, one could never stop learning about
>music, people, and how they function together. I just try to find
>ways to form connections with other people, maybe a few people
>will do something cool as a result. 

tzo u kan zteal !t and \ or zel !t - 1x g!ft 4 ur lv \ fam!l!
! knou dze rezponz!b!l!t! 4mula - she u!zprd !n k!nd.  u r both ueak

>Locality interests me.


>Global control, this is for competitors to grasp for and die
>at age 25/30/35/40, grasping for breath. 

adm!rabl kompard 2 ur unzan!tar! leech!ng ekz!ztenza rezembl!ng 01 uelfare z!ztm

>I'd like to live to see
>my kids grow up, and seeing as they seem to like me, 

                                ltr dze! u!l hav a cho!sz   [4 nou u kontrol dze env!ronmnt kr!ket.
                                                             rekal u ztatd nn = l!ke ur ch!ldrn

                                                             ! choze ... 

>I'd like
>them to like someone who isn't a competitive asshole.

and\or 1x 2 b!t th!ever! !nk zta!n \ zupermarket klerk 4 odrz pakaged dreamz

>David Z.

!n a zensz ! rel! do hope u u!n kr!ket.
!f u loze ... lv lozez 

m glad u lokatd zomdz!ng 2 lv 
although u r a hatefl kouard \ lozer az uel - u lv tzo az 2 loze ur zelv

had felt ! lokatd zom `dz!ng` 2 lv. !t uaz 1x error. truth = korektd error

>Global control, this is for competitors to grasp for and die
>at age 25/30/35/40, grasping for breath.

! !nzert > ko!nz aga!nzt u \ lv
bkz ! uaz made d!sz ua! ... unt!l dze lazt ko!n bounzez !n 1x fore!gn zlot

>competitive asshole.

hand shake                                         -> REZPEKT

mark subjekt - \\ dze kr!ztal ball ov kaoz

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