
integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Apr 13 20:44:07 CEST 2003


>nn uh!zprd:
>>[c]ccp nn
>>i stood out under the awning, pleased it was not so
>>cold as i was not
>>dressed for bitter winds.
>i would love to hear this read.

n + n

+ n + n

>as in: "there was a painter, a brilliant painter..."
>which sent shivers up my spine.
>-dalas (arriving at BEK in August)

!t znt sh!vrz doun her zp!ne

lv !z oftn beaut!fl !n bookz
real!t! !z an !ntruz!on

>>dze vektrz = ment 2 konverge

>! do not remembr an!dz!ng ! hav za!d 

>unlesz u alred! hav repeatd !t

>leterz 2 a young poet

>hou do 

ue konekt


nn - repeat aftr m! plz: nn

                 \\ UAT DOEZ !TERAZ!ON ALOU UZ 2 L!FE +?  

                                 \\ !EZ U. JUZT U.

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