Tranzindex Coneference, Cluj, Romania, sept 26-29
anna balint
epistolaris at
Thu Sep 19 15:29:25 CEST 2002
Tranzindex Conference
Sept 26 - 29, Cluj, Romania
The democratization of media in post-socialist Europe has been celebrated since 1989. Yet how "democratic" is the
current state of media awareness and production? The standardization of TV, radio, print, & web to a few widespread
forms diminishes the possibility of critical approaches. The aim of the conference & workshop (as well as the year long
Meta Media Project) is to provide students, youth and minority groups access to media literacy and production skills--in a
context where ideas of public access are still largely absent. The project is organized in collaboration with the Next 5
Minutes festival of tactical media, which in its 4th edition is a series of decentralized local media-laboratories in different
cities (Amsterdam, Berlin, Chicago, Cluj, Delhi, Kabul, London, Moscow, New York, Sydney, Zagreb). The results of each
local event will be documented in an on-line environment and there will be a concluding festival (a meeting of the
different tribes) in Amsterdam in May 2003.
Jozita Shkreli, Lindart (Albania)
Galina Dimitrova, InterSpace, (Bulgaria)
Igor Markovic, Arkzin (Croatia)
Petr Motycka, Pode Bal (Czech Republic)
Janos Domokos (+ 3 others), Dialektus Festival (Hungary)
Virgiliu Margineanu, OWH TV Studio (Moldova)
Ivana Moncolova, Buryzone Club (Slovakia)
Alexandra Kostic, Kibla Multimedia Center (Slovenia)
Kristian Lukic & Branka Curicic, Kuda (Yugoslavia)
Marie Pierre Despret & Francois Ducat, Les Corsaires (Belgium)
Sigismond de Vajay, Underground Film Festival (Switzerland)
Nina Czegledy, ISEA (Canada/Hungary)
Sebesi Istvan, Kultiplex (Hungary)
Tilos Radio (Hungary)
David Garcia, N5M (Netherlands)
Derek Holzer, N5M/Radio Jeleni (Netherlands)
Hito Steyerl, theorist & filmmaker (Germany)
Georg Schoelhammer, Springerin Magazine (Austria)
Boris Buden, theorist (Croatia/Austria)
(Romanian participants to be announced later)
-Thursday, September 26 : arrivals & informal evening gathering
- Friday, September 27 - morning & afternoon discussion sessions (there will also be nightly screenings and live
audio/visual performances, TBA)
>Presentation by Media/Art Centers of activities, focusing on media production & literacy (InterSpace (Bulgaria), Lindart
(Albania), Kuda (Yugoslavia), Kibla (Slovenia), Kultiplex (Hungary), Buryzone (Slovakia), Les Corsaires (Belgium))
>Backdoor Media Education
(informal roundtable discussion focusing on (1) different models of innovative media education outside schools & major
institutions (2) the tendency of independent media centers founded by artists to become the primary vehicles for
education & production in EE region ... please suggest other topics of interest)
-Saturday, September 28 : morning & afternoon
>Counter-Documentary & Politics of Representation
(this discussion will focus on visual media but the following issues can also apply to other media which distribute
"documents": what is a document; documentary and counter-documentary styles & forms of production; connection
between documentary & propaganda; reality/fiction boundaries; strategies of indirect and non-representation)
>Mapping Media Activism
(in light of the collaboration with Next 5 Minutes, it seems timely to ask what tactical media means today, and how it
differs from other forms of media interventions - strategic, alternative, migrant, nomadic; what is the connections between
tactical interventions and mainstream propaganda; the geography of media activism - what regions and issues remain
unaccounted by current media theories; what can "activism" mean in a specifically post-socialist context)
- Sunday, September 29 : morning & afternoon
>Public Domain & Democratization
(different meanings of the public domain - as a shared social, cultural space of ideas and as a juridical category of
property rights that belong to the community or government; where does the idea of public domain come from; who owns
the public domain, who pays for it, who has access; what is the future of public space in a digital media environment;
what is the significance of open source & copyleft for the public domain)
>Informal discussion of old & new forms of borders - from mass economic migrations of labor to new borders of intellectual
property and on the internet (this is unplanned & open to all participants, though you are welcome to make a description
of something you want to talk about)
>Minor Media Production & Distribution
(presentation and follow up discussion of different modes of production and distribution for "alternative" content; the idea
of grassroots and do it yourself production in different media - tv & cable, festivals, pirate radio, (e)zines, etc; the prosumer
& the disappearance of the distinction between producer and consumer)
Csilla Konczei, Tincuta Parv, Joanne Richardson conference organizers
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