your mail

-IID42 Kandinskij @27+ death at
Sun Nov 17 22:42:22 CET 2002

On Sun, 17 Nov 2002 integer at wrote:

> >  I'm not sure why non-physical 'violence' is regarded as 'just fine.'
> xy -> konztrukz!on [uorkerz
> 2x -> deztrukz!on  [zold!erz

  What a shame that you attempt to slide on the surface,
  but the intent of that was not to 'inspire' pointification.
  Apropos your 'commentary'--which comes from your memory, ne?

  I'm glad you've decided to speak (again).
  Unfortunately the above is nonsense.
  Has never been the case.

> `v!olensz` = trez trez beau

  Violence dearest, is the leeching undermining mechanism
  of the unconscious / asleep human. 2x or xy.
  Shall we discuss the slot of asleep 2x 'eastern' robots
  in 'weztern' mechanizms, a perfectly fitted slot?

> = dze ent!r h!ztor! ov human k!nd = 01 prolongd f!ght 2 death
> 4 dze konkuezt ov un!vrzl prezt!ge + abs.pouer

  Actually no. This is the history of the recent_ mediocre.
  You cannot have possibly forgotten the others, can you?

> d!sz !z 4 - 01 human kannot rekogn!sz !tzelv
> !t = muzt b rekogn!szd b! 01 odr human be!ng

  Ignoranse of self-realization 'cannot' does not constitute.
  Immaturity and narcissism are something altogether else.

> [d!sz makez dze var!ouz ueztern adm!n. pz!kopathz v.z!!!!!!!!!!!!k
>  hallo andreas broeckblp + etc etc ugl! cucuz]

  Seeking the mirror reflection is not a 'western' or 'eastern'
  phenomenon, and were you to acquaint yourself with the 'west'
  you'd find civilizations pre-dating the 'east'.
  Why do you always make it into a dualities competition, dearest?

> v!olensz !z uat zeparatez humanz. !e. an!malz u!th h!gher ordr konzc!ouznesz
> 4rom dzoze an!malz u!th !med!at knouledge ov dze velt.


> unzrtn about dze okz!dent ma!z = !n dze eazt ue f!nd human an!malz
> zekz!er dzn odrz - !e. ue f!nd v!olensz zekz!

  I'm sorry dearest, but this is not 'the east'. In any capacity.
  You confuse violence with higher order impulses. How unfortunate.

> altzo =  "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <death at>
> ma! determ!n uat t!pe ov an!mal he = !z +
> trvl bak 2 uork ____+ remember -  arbe!t macht ganz gluckl!ch + fre! !!!!!!!!

  No, thank you dearest. Your calculations are off the mark.
  Way off the mark.

  The pleasure is all mine, however.

`, .   `   `k a r e i'        ?     ' D42

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