No subject

integer at integer at
Sun Nov 17 11:16:26 CET 2002


>d!sz !z 4 - 01 human kannot rekogn!sz !tzelv 
>!t = muzt b rekogn!szd b! 01 odr human be!ng

naturl!ch = dze fakt dzat 01 konsc!ouznesz 
dez!rz dze el!m!naz!on ov 01 odr = abzurd
ma!z dze konsc!ouznesz = 1x v!ruz [or law depend!ng u!ch autoztrada 01 prfrz

d!sz !z uat makez lv tzo del!z!ouz
zekz auss!

!t !z b! deztrukz!on dzat ue reach our l!m!tz

ue deztro! tzo az 2 l!f our zelvz

kome ca

`because great are the ends which are abolished and articulate is the system which freed 
 you Paul

 et aussi -

 This is what is unforgivable in you.
 You are free`

+ az ever! ch!ld knouz
!t !z eaz!er 2 g!v
dzn 2 take


uen dze e!ez ov dze `zp!r!t` ko!nz!de u!th dze e!ez ov dze bod!
each !nd!v!dual konsc!ouznesz shl b 01 m!ror reflekt!ng 01 odr m!ror
! n f ! n ! t ! n f ! n ! t ! n f ! n ! t ! n f ! n ! t

ztream through `m!`

                [ua! t!ng


             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova                   nezvanova at

   n  r  .   5        !!!
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