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Tue Nov 12 09:42:59 CET 2002
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>Subject: [syndicate] Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Care2 E-Card from mark tribe
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aaaaaa. mor d!g!tl nonzensz
! UANT 2 dr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
non.non.non. DR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + ultra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!vvvvvvvv
ovr ur m!me 4matz
ver! ver! fazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttt
unt!l !t = total! deztro!!!!!!!!ddddd
non.non.non. u do not undrztnd.
! mean total! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!dddddtotal! deztro!!!!!!!!ddddd
>Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>Hi Valery
>It seems like you may have touched a nerve in Mr.Tribe.
>A politician he is not.
>on 11/9/02 5:11 AM, valery grancher at vgranger at wrote:
>> --- valery grancher a <E9>crit : > as a contribitor last 2 years I would
>> like to
>>> clarify one point to make my
>>> decision this year :
>>> Rhizome campaign : is it a campaign for a non profit
>>> organization? or for
>>> mark Tribe artpiece ?
>> herefater the ans wer I got from mark tribe, no comment, just one
>> point: agressive isn't it ?
>> I guess it is normal to ask regarding this statement in new langton,
>> and the request in my email box to bring found and money, it is normal for
>> me to mke clear if I'm sponsorizing a community through rhizome or Mark
>> TRibe through rhizome ?
>> I suggest nothing, i put closed to each other one demand to one
>> statement from mark !
>> so what's wrong ?
>> we are under dictatorship ?
>> mark reply :
>> ok i would reply in bulk to your bull, coz virst ov all i am a liar &
>> a swine as an artpiece, coz i virst kick you out of rhizome and you give me
>> money back all ze same, dare to sez ze reverse so i am found to sez your
>> brain are kind of clay i could molt for doing my polpot pyramide, the rest
>> ov my complit scorn zigurat to climb to the heaven of netart imbecility az
>> netart would be done with all crane of the zuper cretinouz ov all rhizome
>> subscriber, get it, zo i am found to claim rezponsability of zis social
>> polspotting sculptur, the epitome would be all the super cretinouz ov my
>> polpot sponzor community, i am a swine you are hypocritez i.e. you are
>> froggy i am yankiz & we can do disgusting buziness and calling it 'art', so
>> mizter granchez befor i kick in you head for a pass to zidane where is the
>> probleme
>befor i kick in you head
letz dr!v mizter yanki kr!ket
ue.ll z uho !z uear!ng dze trouzerz
good ztr!kez l!ke dze thundrbolt
[!n zerv!sz ov v!rtue b!enzur
+ a b!t ov ultra v!olensz
= l!ghtz up juzt!sz
l!ke a flash ov hap!nesz
z - dze ztarz = sh!n!ng br!!!!!!!!!!ghhhhht
[bkz ! = !n dze mood
phpz !.ll tear out dze!r tonguez
+ dze! u!l konfusz !t u!th plzr
bkz ! refer 2 m! zelv
az abztrakt prov!densz
+ ! m dze reuard ov m! oun re!gn
u!th no reuard but h!ztor! + dze prezent
bkz ! d!zl!ke pouer - uat an apal!ng !dea
+ ! m kruel + u!cked
+ !f rezort 2 pure reazon !t = 2 z!lensz m! zelv
+ ! m !n dze mood
! hav a zoz!al kontrakt
! kanot akzept dz!ngz az dze! r
bkz ! m !n a mood feroc!ouz
+ ! uant dzm brokn + !mposzd upon
b! dze lau ov konkrete klar!t!
fa!th !z not enough
a pol!sz forsz !z needed az uel
! uant ur m!zer! 2 flour!sh
az a god
!m tak!ng u uear u uant 2 b
l!ke a balloon ov heaven empt!
and I u!l b ur truth
I shl kreate u 4rom dze ordr ov dz!ngz
u shl b good
and u shl obe! m!
4 I m u
+ u shl dr!nk m! 2 dze
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