[syndicate] re> F.C.

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Nov 11 19:09:10 CET 2002

Of course see Plato's Timaeus as well! - Alan

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, claudia westermann wrote:

> >
> >I copy&paste a fragment of MC about FC :
> >"Cramer's 'seven by nine squares' is  a clever machine to create neoist
> >poetry automatically (because neoists are actually too busy to
> >make neoism). Although this piece presupposes language as the initial
> >mechanism, its textual space has already expanded to such degree that it will
> >be capable of perpetuating itself in unlimited semiosis.[...]
> >Craner externalized her own contradictions by labelling them self-
> >perpetuating challenges. This ambiguity is to be found again in her poetry
> >as a certain discursive space and a potentially infinite text. [...]
> >She splits idea into concrete signs. She becomes an object of her mania:
> >Monty Cantsin."
> >
> >greetings,
> >anna
> >
> "Man is an animal organism with (like others) an unmistakably
> bisexual disposition. The individual corresponds to a fusion of two
> symmetrical halves, of which, according to some investigators, one is
> purely male and the other female. It is equally possible that each
> half was originally hermaphrodite. Sex is a biological fact which,
> although it is of extraordinary importance in mental life, is hard to
> grasp psychologically. We are accustomed to say that every human
> being displays both male and female instinctual impulses, needs and
> attributes; but though anatomy, it is true, can point out the
> characteristic of maleness and femaleness, psychology cannot. For
> psychology the contrast between the sexes fades away into one between
> activity and passivity, in which we far too readily identify activity
> with maleness and passivity with femaleness, a view which is by no
> means universally confirmed in the animal kingdom." [Civilization and
> Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud, New York: Norton, 1961, p. 52n3.]

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