Academic ISP supporting NGOs in your experiance ?

Zeljko Blace zblace at
Wed May 29 09:36:34 CEST 2002

Dear friends,
I am trying to gather information
on WHEN/WHERE ACADEMIC NETWORKS give Internet access 
to the NGOs. This is really important for comparing
national policies on the subject of net access monopolies,
as I am writing a draft on behalf on Multimedia Institute
(founders of net.culture club "mama")
in Zagreb for national strategy of NGO sector informatization.

Currently we are forced to pay very high commercial prices
on monthly basis which prevents us from a lot of web activities
(streaming being the most obvious).
The only information I have for now is the case of Ljudmila 
(Ljubljana Digital Media Lab), that is sharing the bandwidth 
which they get trough Arnes (Academic and Research network of Slovenia)
to non-profit organizations via dial-in system and by hosting 
their content on one of the web servers.

As I really need this info promptly please reply ASAP
with just brief description and contact to local Academic network 
administrative who is dealing with this issue (if possible).

I promise to publish all data to make it potentially usable for 
others in other occasions, which might be sooner than you thing as 
European Academic networks are currently grouping to form a Internet2 
backbone across Europe.

Grateful in advance for your time,
Zeljko Blace
Multimedia Institute, Zagreb 

Thanks to the people who showed interest in helping out

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