[syndicate] Re: get well, but is it art?

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Wed Mar 13 14:48:31 CET 2002

>your web space collage was effective.
>The weakest link in any chain
>I always want to find it
>the strongest words in each belief
>Find out what's behind it
>from (4)

indeed that was the paragraph
intended to be picked up

>does the dicussion end because you say it has? (1)'s software is flawed. his

all software is flawed if you don't have the specs to check it upon
coding is such a boring and constricted practice

>behavior are amusing. there is inherent stupidity in software simulations of
>human intelligence.

bien sur, michael.

>the discussion never ends, my consciousness tumbles and falls from place to
>place, interacting in the global village with the other village idiots.

bien sur, michael
the real danger is with the global peace keepers
or facilitators (of 1984 language)


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