[syndicate] Re: yes, but is it art

self re:ply.cator netwurker at hotkey.net.au
Mon Mar 11 05:54:51 CET 2002

At 10:11 AM 3/10/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear mez, and all,
>I find your work coherent when crossposted on different
>list, both from the point of view of form and content
>(predict virality, if I understand well).

thx anna. i'm glad u find value in my wurk][s][.

>I also find a lot
>of hypocrisy in the 'destroying the community discourse'

absolutely, s.pecially when the 'community discourse' is assumed & not 
necessarily accurate....

>Art is playing a role in building communities,
>presently more important maybe than theory or narrative.


>In [East Europe, where civil society got destroyed in the
>last 50 years] a lot of public places which were emptied
>and lost their social role, such as public baths (several
>Turkish baths in Romania and Hungary), synagogues (many
>synagogues in Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania) or coq
>fight arenas in Spain to mention an example from West
>Europe, became [avant garde] contemporary art centers and
>wilfully assume a role of building communities, sometimes
>political roles as well.

of course.....i don't think its possible 2 d.vide the role art plays in 
n.tricate politik-culture-dances.....

>Normally the mailing list have the
>same function on the net.
>To ban artists from these spaces... erase the topics they
>bring up... [specially in your case when it is so relevant
>and important] and push a correctness of narrative, is
>destructive and hypocritic.

agreed as well......

>What kind of community can be
>the australian people working with media, when they reject
>to consider, analyse or at least tolerate their content?

i'm not sure.....

>It is so difficult to understnad for me, since at least in
>East Europe new media art is deeply rooted in the
>politically engaged avantgarde scene, the world of
>samisdat, underground press involved in all media.


>I am totally sorry, if this event affects you, hope you
>will continue your work.

absolutely.......a][tt(h)ack][ctions from crusty outmoded theoreticians 
without any clue as 2 net.wurk function i can handle.
wots tuff if the realisation that these perceptions stretch wider than i'd 
previously thought......

>We can document and archive the
>banning on the syndicate list [exchange of emails,
>opinions] if you like to do that.

i'm not sure i'd like 2 dredge it all up, but if u want, go ahead.
we mite get accused of cross-posting irrelevancies though;0)


.           .    ....         .....
[trans. loose. (e)NT][ity][]
[sel][l][f  reply.cation]


.... .               .???  .......

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