No subject

integer at integer at
Tue Mar 19 04:40:05 CET 2002

>  [although none too pleased with some things going on in the
>  online scene these days, it is difficult to deny when people
>  do extraordinary things with sometimes mundane EM tech,
>  like the GPS and mapping. i am uncertain if this is a real
>  project, as the data has no legend, and maybe it is prior
>  to the launch. my misunderstanding likely. but assuming
>  this is an actual project, it is quite fascinating, 

ultra fascinant

>0100101110101101.ORG started giving every Internet user free 24-7 access
>to their computer

the only asset is imagination


data sharing


you do not like ordinary +?

>challenges the concept of intellectual property 

how +?

>and explores the
>contradictions of privacy in the era of information technology.

how +?

>0100101110101101.ORG is trying to give an account of how vast amounts of
>personal information are moving into corporate hands, where they can be
>developed into electronic profiles of individuals and groups that are
>potentially far more detailed and intrusive than the files built up in
>the past by state police and security agencies. 0100101110101101.ORG
>reveals how 

how +?

>ordinary citizens are losing control of the information
>about them that is available to anyone who can pay for it.

greta garbo weeps. what is important is to be awake in dreams.

0100101110101101 free souls desire extra ordinary detox.

they revealed they are european soldiers 
purchased by the american art mafia [like 99.9 of art soldiers]
for a very ordinary sum.

nn - as we have said - not only unified by experience but experienced from 1 point of view.
     this allows me to alter you and you to alter me ... process

                        which generates information + demonstrates that


                                        act of perception 
is an act

ov kreation 

and ...

>far more detailed and intrusive

... every act of memory is an act of imagination.

nn - something involving freezing + melting


             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova                   nezvanova at

 f e e d m e u r s e L f  -
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