[syndicate] question

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Sun Mar 17 23:51:17 CET 2002

At 23:44 17/03/2002 +0100, Claudia Westermann wrote:
>..... there is one letter wrong in the text I translated .... it should 
>be: crutch !!!!
I had that one too:
 >6. "Is that all?" I asked.
>>"Well, it's all that you're to hear, my son," returned Silver.
>>"And now I am to choose?"
>>"And now you are to choose, and you may lay to that," said Silver.
>>"Well," said I, "I am not such a fool but I know pretty well what I have 
>>to look for.
>>>hm ? is this a thing ?

ta da!


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