\\ zmooth +

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Fri Mar 1 23:56:06 CET 2002

                luxury is


as the noise level inkreases the demands on nervous systems 
to differentiate. to decide. to shop - accelerate

the ultimate luxury is focus \+\ klarity

our ambition is to kapture attention and then, once we have it
to hand it back to the konsumer.

     in a world where everything is shopping ...

          what is luxury +?

luxury is NOT shopping

NN - ilikeu \\ rough


             \            \/       NN vs GDP
            \/       __
        \_\                        because ilikeu outside

Netochka Nezvanova                   nezvanova at eusocial.com

   Just Say NN      !!!      http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
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