International Summer Academy, Frankfurt/Main

anna balint epistolaris at
Mon Jun 17 14:54:23 CEST 2002

From: Martina Aschmies <Martina.Aschmies at>

True Truth about the Nearly Real
4th International Summer Academy - Frankfurt/Main, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm  23. - 31. August 2002
Workshops / Lectures / Performances / Specials by:
The Atlas Group (RL / USA) // Damaged Goods (B) // Diedrich Diederichsen (D)  // Tim Etchells (GB) // Harun 
Farocki (D) // William Forsythe (D) // Adrian  Heathfield (GB) // Nikolaus Hirsch (D) Hygiene Heute (CH/D) // Jan 
Kopp  (D/F) // Hans-Thies Lehmann (D) // André Lepecki (USA) // Xavier Le Roy  (F/D) // Gerhard Johann Lischka 
(CH) // Hans Peter Litscher (CH) // Molly  Nesbit (USA) // Hans Ulrich Obrist (D/F) // Walid Raad (RL / USA) // 
Martha  Rosler (USA) // Rebecca Schneider (USA) // Gerald Siegmund (D) // Meg Stuart  (B) // Unfriendly Takeover 
(D) // Markus Weisbeck (D) //

Further information, program and application form under

The 4th Summer Academy is addressed to each and everybody curious to dig  deeper into what artistic practices today 
Modes of passing on knowledge: Over a frame of eight formations occupying  Mousonturm, the participants will be 
invited to create their own maps,  within a scheme of activities ranging from formal lectures,  workshops/sessions, 
performances, to any kind of work/communicative events.  Each formation will be hosted by an internationally 
renowned  artist/thinker/theoretician who in turn invited his/her own hosting partner.

New representational frames, shifts of cultural, political-, and scientific  paradigms question our concepts of identity, 
reality and ethics.But how and  in which respect are our realities cracking? What new decipherings are  needed to 
understand the world? In which way can these decipherings either  be a departure for or the effect of an artistic event?

The 4th Summer Academy will take questions as such into account by focusing  on the act of perception itself: On the 
one hand it will investigate the  concept of fake as a means of questioning traditional notions of biography,  reliability of 
perception-, and quality of representation as intersubjective  denominators. What "is" that screen upon which I look, 
and how does this  screen affect my gaze? On the other hand, the notion of perception implies  the question of 
perspective and spectatorship. Through which modes have  spectatorial positions been reorganized ?.

A project by: Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and Institute for Theatre-, Film and  Media Studies, University of Frankfurt.
In coorporation with: Institute for Applied Theatre Science, University of  Gießen - Frankfurter Kunstverein - Centre for 
Performance Research (GB) -  Magazine in Residence: Janus (B) - Kunstencentrum Vooruit (B) - Rotterdamse  
Schouwburg (NL) - supported by: European Central Bank and Hessisches  Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst.
The Title "True Truth about the Nearly Real" is a commissioned work by Tim  Etchells (Forced Entertainment)
Curators: Christine Peters; Florian Malzacher, Mårten Spångberg

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