No subject

integer at integer at
Tue Jun 25 06:03:20 CEST 2002

[bez!dez porculus + dg = nettime -> short.fat.ugl!.old xyz garbage 

Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 12:32:56 +0200
Subject: Re: <nettime> How We Made Our Own "Carnivore"
From: domiziana giordano <domiziana at>

What is art?
Take two ‚three people/ curators/critics and make them talk about  a piece
of shit.
Here it comes a piece of art.
(party time!)

Too late 
Piero Manzoni made it before you in the 60¼s and packed a whole bunch of 90
cans with its own shit.
„Merde d¼artista¾  „Artist¼s shit¾
(excuse the word but  we¼re talking about art)
Not shitty art, but artist¼s shit.
Big difference.
At least he knew what he was doing.

Loop generation. 
Ok Let¼s talk about this.

Carnivore is part of this generation.
Big deal.

What is interesting to me is that the content don¼t really matter any longer
What matter is being there, at that very moment.

We are no longer living  in the „the medium is the language¾ context.
Thing changes.

We are now inside an implosive isomorphism:  „the transit is the message¾.

Makes me think at the Godel¼s  theorem.


DG / DSI                dsi at

It was pure bliss
 İİİİİİİİİİİİ when I finally achieved silence.


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