croatia news

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Sun Jul 7 16:47:40 CEST 2002

An un-named source in Croatian government declared that they are 
in possession of a (formerly) top secret document titled "plan for 
evacuation" signed on 8/5/1995 by Milan Martic ordering citizens of 
Republika Srpska Krajina to evacuate their homes and leave for 
Serbia. The same source also says that Ratko Mladic apparently 
opposed the move, and that Milosevic was not involved in decision 
making, because he was afraid of being tapped. The document is 
going to be given to Del Ponte regarding Gotovina case.

Meanwhile, Milorad Pupovac, head of Serbian National Council (a 
very moderate, pro-democracy organization of citizens of Serb 
nationality in Croatia), refused to ackwnoledge recent census data 
that put Serb population in Croatia at 4.05%. He challenged 
Croatian government to tell him where did they loose 400,000 
people, or 8% of their population, that were Serbs.

Croatian government, however, is challenged otherwise as well: 
prime minister Racan resigned in attempt to form a minority 
government, after getting rid of a notoriously obstructive coalition 
partner (Budisa's HSLS). But, that may not be as easy. The 
opposition bloc lead by HDZ announced it would ask for early 
elections instead. This, of course, comes at the same time when 
there is an empty seat for the president of Constitutional Court in 
Croatia, elections for president in Serbia and just before the 
summer recess of Croatian Sabor (parliament).

To top this, Graham Blewit (blew-it?), stated that prosecution team 
in the Hague decided not to pursue genocide charge against 
Milosevic with respect to Bosnian Croats, but instead just for 
Bosnian Muslims - not enough proof is cited as a reason.


Ivo Skoric
1773 Lexington Ave
New York NY 10029
ivo at

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