[syndicate] Fwd: "October 100th issue"

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Wed Jul 17 16:38:14 CEST 2002

have no idea why exactly the cyberfeminism lists are the most difficult for woman to subscribe to.
the most exclusive circles? 
undercurrents - as an international mailing list - started in the direction of positive discrimination favouring women of 
and they delimitate themselves from Eurocentric media activism, especially form nettime
and their 'formalist' approach to media and art. maybe their distinction has to do
also with the body-centered american feminism and the critical, theory-centered european one. 
this theory centrism could be also the ground of lack of reference to race in european discourse -
besides the low number women of colour in West Europe.

anyway, their archives are open, 
and if you want to post there, as a voice of the white minority and net.art crowd,  i can fw, of course.

7/17/02 1:25:12 AM, "][co][De][e][p.rivation" <netwurker at hotkey.net.au> wrote:

>At 05:30 PM 7/16/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>>i read and read about the perception of net.art ion the undercurrents list.
>they won't answer my re:plies 2 subscribe.
>.           .    ....         .....
>collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
>.... .               .???  .......

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