[syndicate] \/\ chapter 164: ", Invincible East cest can be a woman? "

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Wed Jan 30 22:47:09 CET 2002

At 22:23 30/01/2002 +0100, Frederic  Madre wrote:
 >Summary >
 >in 2500 pages. > To follow...

>Translate again:

  Under the threat of Nham Nga Hanh, Huong Van Thien, Linh Wu Chung, and of 
Doanh Doanh, Duong Lien Dinh must thus bring back the four characters 
towards l.endroit where hides Invincible East, the five cross a rather dark 
tunnel, at the end of the tunnel, Duong Dinh leaves its case keys, it opens 
a gate, with their great surprise under the ground, there is small a de 
luxe hotel with decorations, the false lights, the false suns, a truth 
small paradise. They thus re-entered in the part, there is an odor 
d.enceins for woman rather strong, there a great painting with a woman who 
is spirit to embroider, in the part there is a room to sleep. Linh Wu Chung 

- Here c.est the room d.une woman,

why Invincible East lives in this room for woman, ah j.ai 
included/understood, the lord Invincible East passionately fell in love 
d.une woman, it left fallen its clan at mercy from his adversaries. 
Suddenly a voice s.élève since the room - Duong Lien Dinh, my brother which 
is with you? C.est a voice with a rather high tone,

that resembles a voice d.homme and a voice of woman at the same time,

when this voice is heard, that gives the goose flesh Duong Lien Dinh 
answers: - c.est an old man it please meet you? Does the person in the room 
answer - Why you bring back it here? there is that you which can re-enter 
in this room, I do not want to see anybody. Does this last sentence show 
well that c.est a woman who is spirit of speaking, but oddly why this woman 
speaks with a voice d.homme? Nham Nga Hanh (former lord of the clan), Huong 
Van Thien (his right arm), Doanh Doanh know Invincible East very well, but 
it seems that Invincible East is spirit to put the hand in the mouth to 
speak like a woman, being given who do not see him, they are very 
surprised!! Duong Lien Dinh answers: - I am foutu, if I do not bring back 
them to see you, they will kill me, j.ai desire for looking you for the 
last time before dying A voice of woman s.élève since the room: - Which 
n.osent to scorn you? You it requests to come in me to see in the room. 
Everyone raises the curtain to re-enter in the room to sleep, the room is 
decorated with silk everywhere, in the room there is a person equipped 
pink, the left hand has a piece of fabric, its hand right has a needle to 
embroider. Linh Wu Chung is very surprised, but Nham Nga Hanh (old maitre 
of the clan, before Invincible East l.a reversed ten years ago)

is also very surprised because the person opposite is well and beautiful 
Invincible East, because Invincible East is called the absolute champion

of Jiang Hu (d.art mediums martial Chinese, equivalent of Western). But now 
it s.est shaven properly, the face is stuffed of make-up of woman, this 
n.est neither a man nor a woman, a character controlling as much martial 
arts, which frightens the side of the goods and the mals, if Doanh Doanh 
(Rosamund Kwan) uses its clothing, it will be even more beautiful. Nham Nga 
Hanh had come to be avenged, but now it starts to laugh, its hatred is 
spirit to bend down:

- Invincible East you are insane or what?

the word net art groupie

  Invincible East speaks with a voice enough switches - the maitre Nham., 
Duong Lien Dinh my brother you are wounded Invincible East arrives beside 
Duong Lien Dinh, it takes to him in its arms and to transfer to him onto 
its bed, lorsqu.il s.approche l.odor of perfume s.élève everywhere in the 
room. To follow...

_________________________________________________________ the newspaper of 
the Caramail subscribers - http://www.carazine.com [ parts of this message 
comprising other thing that text only one removed ]

>"alexei shulgin is very ugly"

  why Invincible East lives in this room for woman,

 >Make it possible to you to
>>leave there!
>c.est completely normal

in bed with sable starr and florian cramer

Does the person in the room answer - Why
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