No subject

integer at integer at
Fri Feb 8 22:35:49 CET 2002

>look. here is what you said-

let me hear ur akzent.

>so has the fascist right to decide who is an artist. whos 
>software is commercial whos software is art and who may sell what to 

curl up with a page + sip your kafee.

>and yes I said fascist. 

fascism = tekno chic+

>that is what it is fascism at it best. 

fascism is always at its best. it is perfekt.
want some +?


spooned +?



>are from germany so I should have known before...

it is a pity one cannot package the kommunist m9ndfzzp.
i know many many who would lv+++++++++++++++ 2 purchase.

nn is the klosest have kome 2 + the resultat was a little diff
than 01 purchase - if you know what i mean \ klr my eyes are.

>no mention of corporate facism. and clearly you seem to indicate that because
>they are from germany there is some correlation between that and facism.

he meant between western germany

>before accusing me of not reading what you wrote, perhaps you should reread
>what you wrote. i did not know you were from germany so i did not understand
>the context, i only had your words to read.

he is from eastern germany. quite a difference could exist it does.

nn - plastik.sleek.+ frozn.

>> Its interesting as some people completly miss the point of some posts.
>> read! read more closely before you make statements. I called them 
>> CORPORATE fascists. not believing fascists. and I think I stated why 
>> I think it is. 

it is v.v.interessant how aeaexcited people in the west become when fascism 
is mentioned. it is as important as an apple. want a bite +?

nn - playing with flat panel displays [as per usual. (but only in the absensz ov uuuuuu ev! da mnt


             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova                   nezvanova at

   n  r  .   5        !!!
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