___ R E A L T O K Y O MAIL MAGAZINE Vol. 63___

Tetsuya OZAKI ozaki at blue.ocn.ne.jp
Fri Feb 8 18:40:10 CET 2002

   R    E    A    L    T    O    K    Y    O    MAIL MAGAZINE
_____2_8_2002_Fri_vol.64___________ http://www.realtokyo.co.jp/

[This Week's Index]

(1) Out of Tokyo  Vol. 030

(2) Event Pick of the Week

(3) Presents

This week's RT Picks:

art+cinema+music+stage+design+town = 44 events
including 11 new ones!
Plus new entries on our 'book/disk' page.

Check them out!


(1) Out of Tokyo  Vol. 030

Fast Translations

RT Editor-in-chief, Ozaki Tetsuya's reaction on comments responding
to "Out of Tokyo" vol. 028.

Responding to vol. 028 ("The Translation Lag") of my column, I
received several comments from concerned professionals. Among them
was a friend of mine, who is working for a major publishing company,
and who is involved in the translation of books himself. "You're
totally right to ask to hurry up with the translations of Paul
Auster's books. But the idea to increase the number of assistant
translators just can't be realized," was his comment.
"Good translators are getting many assignments, so they're busy.
Translators that are not busy don't have that much work simply because
they don't do good jobs. When repeated corrections, reconfirmations,
and other fine-tuning is necessary, in the end it takes the same
amount of time."


(2) Event Pick of the Week

Lolita Danshaku: Osorubeki Kodomotachi (Les Enfants terribles)

They're terrific, indeed, those guys from Lolita Danshaku! To
employ the blue-screen technology you'll know from TV weather
forecasts, to create a new form of entertainment combining stage
performance and DVD, is a really nice idea! First, you watch the
performance, where a variety of blue items are used in front of a
blue screen. Then, once you got the hint from the performance, you
purchase the DVD, and when you watch that at home you'll see what
has been hidden before. Well, since we're talking about Lolita
Danshaku, better don't expect something that makes sense, but
something rather stupid to laugh about.
Kanikoji Kinuko


(3) Presents

Shinoyama Kishin gives away 5 copies of DVDs with photographs of
Shiratori Chieko, part of his "digi-KISHIN" website.
Also, one lucky reader will receive a hand-signed copy of Kobayashi
Shinichiro's collection of 'ruin' photos, titled "Japanese Deathtopia."

To apply and for further information, please see:



Next week on RT:

- Tokyo Culture Diary

- Tokyo Visitors' Book

and more…


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