7th international video festival VideoMedeja

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Mon Dec 23 12:34:36 CET 2002

[it's amazing how the Videomedeja festival - started
in the backyard of several literature magazine offices in
Novi Sad - survived all troubles, gained 
reputation, involved with success international guest curators,
during war, during peace, and recently it gained a small 
independent office. 
It comes now to 7th edition... Claudia, Auriea, did you 
ever sent a tape to Novi Sad?] 

From: "VideoMedeja" <videomed at neobee.net>

 Dear Sir/ Madam,
we are writing to you in order to inform you that 7th International Video Festival 
VideoMedeja will take place in Novi Sad from 25 - 27th April 2003.
Subject of the Festival is videobeat.
In attachment you can find entry form, for further information please take a look at 
our web site or contact us.
best regards,
VideoMedeja office

Yugoslav Video Art Association VideoMedeja
videomed at neobee.net | tel/fax +38121611028
Katolicka porta 5 | 21000 Novi Sad | Serbia and Montenegro

Please use one application per entry piece and all the necessary requirements.
Please submit one copy by e mail and one printed and signed along with the material 

JUZVU VideoMedeja
Katolička porta 5, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

deadline for entry: Februar 15th. 2003.
Work submitted must not be older than january 2001!

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