Amsterdam Realtime

anna balint epistolaris at
Mon Dec 23 12:34:30 CET 2002

[from all projects using gps technology flourishing on the net,
i find interesting Esther Polak's Realtime 
because instead of questioning surveillance and information control,
this projects is searching more the cognitive and aesthetic possibilities 
offered by the gps technology. Esther says thats he would be interested to
bring this project to other cities. In case that anyone would like
to collaborate with her, let me know. ab.]

For the exhibition Maps of Amsterdam 1866-2000 at the Amsterdam City Archive Waag 
Society together with Esther Polak have set up the Amsterdam RealTime project.

Every inhabitant of Amsterdam has an invisble map of the city in his head. The way he 
moves about the city and the choices made in this process are determined by this 
mental map. Amsterdam RealTime attampts to visualize these mental maps through 
examining the mobile behaviour of the city's users.

During two months (3 Oct to 1 Dec 2002) all of Amsterdam's residents are invited to 
be equipped with a tracer-unit. This is a portable device developed by Waag Society 
which is equipped with GPS: Global Positioning System. Using satellite data the 
tracer calculates its geographical position. Therse tracers' data are sent in 
realtime to a central point. By visualizing this data against a black background 
traces, lines, appear. From these lines a (partial) map of Amsterdam constructs 
itself. This map does not register streets or blocks of houses, but consists of the 
sheer movements of real pepole.

When the different types of users draw their lines, it becomes clear to the viewer 
just how individual the map of amsterdam can be. A cyclist will produce completley 
different favourite routes than someone driving a car. The means of transport, the 
location of home, work or other activities together with the mental map of the 
particular person determine the traces he leaves. This way an everchanging, very 
recent, and very subjective map of Amsterdam will come about. If you spend (or should 
we say move) a good amount of time within the 'ring' of the Amsterdam A10 Highway, 
you can apply here for becoming a testperson during rhe testing and development- 
stage or for becoming a participant during the time of the exhibition. Participants 
receive a print of their personal routes through the city, their diary in traces.


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