my feelings exactly

Brilliant Sunshine herbert_haggerty at
Fri Dec 13 11:35:56 CET 2002

from the top ten sites related to each word ( -powered by ask jeeve's)

guilt -- The GUILT PAGE Can't live with what you did? Feeling guilty for breaking the law? Feel like you should suffer for what you've done?

shame -  Shame, Beauty, and the Ambivalence of the Flesh 
Shame, Beauty, and the Ambivalence of the Flesh, after Schopenhauer, C.G. Jung, Frederick Turner & Camille Paglia 

litost -- FPZ Vasovalci - Ales Ivanc 

joy - Yasmina's Joy of Belly Dancing

laughter -- . World Laughter Tour, Inc. International clearinghouse for information, ideas and news about therapeutic laughter and laughter clubs.

anger --  Anger Analyzed; Dealing with its Effects  Anger is an emotion arising in our mind triggered when we are faced with a problem from a spiritual point of view

sadness -  Sun of Sadness- sonnig trauriger Gothic Metal 
enter the realm of sadness enter the realm of sadness

grief - The Grief Recovery Institute - Training, Education & Help for the conflicting emotions caused by loss Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind. 

nostalgia --  Nostalgia Warehouse 

denial -- Denial, the Precursor of Mental Decline  (top spot!)

ambivalence --  ambivalence We are caught, immediately, inextricably. To celebrate this...disorder...or to vilify it? I don't know how to say what I want to say. (LOL!)

- michael

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