International Seminar: ON SOMNOLENCY: Symptoms and Tendencies in Contemporary Art and Culture

anna balint epistolaris at
Sat Aug 3 13:09:56 CEST 2002

   The International Seminar
   ON SOMNOLENCY: Symptoms and Tendencies in Contemporary Art and Culture
   13th of September, 2002

   The seminar "ON SOMNOLENCY: Symptoms and Tendencies in Contemporary Art
   and Culture" is going to be organized at Forum Stadtpark in Graz
   (Austria). It is a part of continuous art project of three
   artists-in-residence from Lithuania. The subject of the seminar is to
   question one of contemporary phenomenon that could be described as a
   It links to the aspects such as tiredness, boredom, somnambulism, lost
   feel of the real, etc. The intent of the seminar is to invite participants
   (artists, critics, curators, philosophers, etc.) from Lithuania, Austria
   and several countries near by, who would be interested in taking part with
   their lectures, visuals and personal comments on the proposed subject,
   while situating it in the extended context of current theories and debates
   on contemporary art and culture.
   There is a possibility to invite 6 persons covering their travel expenses
   (except air-plain) and accommodation. The lectures and the other types of
   presentations supposed to be given in English, and time limit for each
   performer would be 45 min. approximately.

   Contact by e-mail: onsomnolency2002 at

   Jurgita Remeikyte, Alma Skersytò, Irma Stanaityte

   Stadtpark 1
   A - 8010 Graz

   Tel:  +43/316/827734
   Fax: +43/316/82773421
   forum at

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