Human, all too Posthuman?

media at media at
Fri Aug 9 15:22:57 CEST 2002

>8/7/02 11:47:34 PM, Bart Zonneveld <loop at> wrote:

>On Wednesday, August 7, 2002, at 11:19 PM, media at wrote:
>> the most interesting art work in this last year: syndicate


well .... )
must admit that I always hope that it gets out of this Pampers age somehow

>>Wouldn't it be just enough to display some random bits of mails that >>>>were posted on the syndicate list?

I like that idea ... actually would be lovely for a 'reader' to randomly display, so that it is not linear (hierarchical). the problem is that we do not have direct access to the database the Syndicate archive is based on. so basically we would have to do a copy of the archives to the web space database (or a selection of some messages) to have the possibility of displaying randomly parts of the archives .. puh .. (Pampers age) .. trying for months to find the time for adjusting an editorial system for the Syndicate purposes, so that different people could add to a 'reader' database, what they would like to be there ... 
actually Anna did a selection quite a while ago, which could be put in there ... would like that different people could add things there and that it works the way not every message has to be added manually by someone with an admin access ... this is my thinking direction (basically I guess it would be easier to 'work' with the archives if we mirror it to the web space (not the Sympa space) ... perhaps like it worked at V2 .. the web archive had one e-mail address subscribed to the list, kind of ... )

some other ideas ?



>it was all very spontanious, not organised...
>however, since i know there is not much critique nowadays.

there is not much critique nowadays

>and we had so many fantastic projects here, 
>i would insist on the importance of reviews, interviews, reports.

there could be different ways to do this. a review not necessarily has to be in the form of a theoretical text, for example, but could be ... 

>i am not the very appropiate person to review all the projects,
>i always had difficulties to access them.

hm .. perhaps they are not then ? ..and perhaps you are 'just' the appropriate person to do these reviews.

>for instance i never suceeded to see anything of Agricola de Cologne's pages,
>and even last time, at the kassel event, i stood all day next to the computer,
>and either i am too stupid, or i have not the appropiate software, 
>or  still all is too unfamliar to me, but i did not find entry to the stream. 
>but in one year so many projects were documented at syndicate,
>language, code, perfromances, streams, audio works, festivals, communication projects,
>errorisation, all in the first place, that it would be a pity if they get no 
>professional reception.

it would be a pity, if they would not get any non.professional reception

+ thought critique is a profession of 'intermediation' (not primarily meant for the

>again, now when it seems that we are out source of conflict,

) did we enter paradise with our Pampers wearing Syndicate ?

>nn is in holydays, 

like most of us

>>I've seen a demo on Jitter at the Sonar festival, and I'd say it really rocks!

you see, even Frederic misses all the catchwords .... 
'rocks' , Frederic ... this is your turn to say something,
you already missed 'party' .. hm

                    (doing a visit to Frederic's ... and his holiday health program ?)             
1. La chanson des vieux amants
2. I don't know
3. Le plus fort c'est mon père
4. Je voudrais te prendre	
5. I'm Calling you
6. Pas sans toi
7. Alegria
8. Smells like teen spirit

                       ( no 'rocks' these days ?)

>>Bart Zonneveld

>or in metamorphose, or she died, nato went to a museum,

perhaps she is just bored.
was she the source of conflict ?

>i cant's say precisely if it's time to end syndicate,
>or simply the times are not like that, and there is no way to end it.
>i would still argue for the necessity of an open communication environment,


>and i will try to report about syndicate as such, after the holidays 


>- sorry, i can already see that 
>it will be in bad english.

ah ... and I will not even realize this

>anna balint


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