true to my dreams

info at info at
Tue Apr 9 13:42:27 CEST 2002

BlankIt is exactly those kind of moments in life that encourage me to get up
in the morning and it's got everything to do with sensation but nothing to
do with sensational. It's purely spiritual, not like a religion or a
contained doctrine handed down by institutional monkeys all chasing the same
banana. It's about a sense of being, a sense of place and has everything to
do with nothing plus everything at the same time. I am tired of pretending
to be something else, someone else. As I have grown older, discovering the
tricks of the trade, learnt more about surviving and keeping my real
identity separate from others who would not normally understand my personal
realness. I have had to become a spy in a world that as a matter of course
denies real sensuality from the individual, unless it is hidden or sold as a
product. I have redesigned myself, adapted and mutated to my given
surroundings yet I have remained true to my dreams.

marc garrett

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