[ot] [!nt] \n2+0\

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Sep 23 14:55:12 CEST 2001

>>Dario Fo, the Italian playwright and satirist who won the
>>Nobel Prize for literature in 1997, said bluntly in a widely
>>circulated email: "The great speculators wallow in an
>>economy that every year kills tens of millions of people
>>with poverty -- so what is 20,000 dead in New York?
>>Regardless of who carried out the massacre, this
>>violence is the legitimate daughter of the culture of
>>violence, hunger and inhumane exploitation."
>>--if anyone has the email in its entirety pls send. thanks.
>The text is in italian, i hope that you could figure out what it 
>says, just follow the link below
>I've read it and i can assure that your quotation is a good 
>translation but *really* misleading in respect of tha overall meaning 
>of the original integral text.

        La locomotiva del capitalismo selvaggio sta accellerando la sua velocita', 
        punta con determinazione assoluta verso la guerra e la distruzione del pianeta. 
        L'unica possibilita' e' tagliarle i rifornimenti di carburante. 

he l!kez motorz +?

Urla Bush, : distruzione del pianeta. - Inizia tu. Non aspettare che lo facciano gli altri.

Domani bastera' urlare: l'economia del dolore, 
carburante della Esso, i prodotti della Nestle', smettiamo di bere Coca
Cola, di mangiare Mac Donald's,



l'unica strategia vincente.


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