[ot] ..

Claudia Westermann media at ezaic.de
Tue Oct 2 18:51:41 CEST 2001


I see nothing. We may sink and settle on the waves. The sea will drum in my 
ears. The white petals will be darkened with sea water. They will float for 
a moment and then sink. Rolling over the waves will shoulder me under. 
Everything falls in a tremendous shower, dissolving me.


A bird flies homeward. Evening opens her eyes and gives one quick glance 
among the bushes before she sleeps. How shall we put it together, the 
confused and composite message, that they send back to us, and not they 
only, but many dead, boys and girls, grown men and women, who have wandered 
here, under one king or another ?


Let us hold it for one moment, love, hatred, by whatever name we call it, 
this globe whose walls are made of Percival, of youth and beauty, and 
something so deep sunk within us that we shall perhaps never make this 
moment out of one man again.


I am not a woman, but the light that falls on this gate, on this ground. I 
am the seasons, I think sometimes, January, May, November; the mud, the 
mist, the dawn. I cannot be tossed about, or float gently, or mix with 
other people...


Let me at least be honest. Let me denounce this piffling, trifling, 
self-satisfied world; these horse-hair seats; these coloured photographs of 
piers and parades. I could shriek aloud at the smug self-satisfaction, at 
the mediocrity of this world, which breeds horse-dealers with coral 
ornaments hanging from their watch-chains. There is that in me which will 
consume them entirely.

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