[ot] [!nt] \n2+0\

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Mon Nov 5 01:10:30 CET 2001

>Imagine a worldwide referendum on the castration of all males over 30.  


>if everyone voted for it, men accepted it gladly, and all of a sudden we had 
>a male population of laughers and peaceful farmers.  


>Not saying it's a good 

gooood !dee.

>but if aliens flew down and said "it's the only thing that will save 
>your species" and left us a failsafe sperm-bank technology I bet even men 
>would agree to it.  I mean we do it to dogs just to reduce fatal bites, 
>abandoned offspring, and piss on the owner's bed.

dze bezt part = dze dog zt!l goez through dze moz!onz.


prev konverzaz!e.  [konztataz!e = u havnt b!n kaztratd +? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!kkkkkkkkkk]

Christopher Deckard <chrisd at icns.com>


>Christopher Deckard <chrisd at icns.com>
>>> >have you been circumsized?
>>> !n ost.europa dzat = mut!laz!e
>uat +?
>>i'll stay w/usa boys.  
>= ultra oke avec mo!
>!f u stay w/usa boys.  


>> >ick:  i.c.k.
>> =_?
>ick == icky.  you know, repulsive.

how do you know +?

>i'll stay w/usa boys. 

!ch bete v!eder du erlauchter

>> >you know, i was a bit worried there, about whether it was o.k. w/you.
>> m! ze vol!mo +?
>perhaps, perhaps.  (but we've only just remembered.)

memor!ez kom 4rom u!th!n u. l!ke zm!lez.


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