just one more...

Auriea Harvey a at e8z.org
Tue Dec 4 18:04:56 CET 2001

Subject:  Re: kiss <- forever
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 20:31:04 +0100
From:  Z!
To: A!

>>    Hush! hush!
>>    A kiss, when all is said,--what is it?
>>    An oath that's ratified,--a sealed promise,
>>    A heart's avowal claiming confirmation,--
>>    A rose-dot on the 'i' of 'adoration,'--
>>    A secret that to mouth, not ear, is whispered,--
>>    Brush of a bee's wing, that makes time eternal,--
>>    Communion perfumed like the spring's wild flowers,--
>>    The heart's relieving in the heart's outbreathing,
>>    When to the lips the soul's flood rises, brimming!
>>    Hush! hush!
>>  http://www.netcolony.com/members/ant/plays/cyrano3.html

>    http://e8z.org/404kiss

     Hush! hush!

http://kiss.entropy8zuper.org/the ////////////////////////////////////////
http://kiss.entropy8zuper.org/the/kiss.wrl ///////////////////////////////
An intangible sculpture that exists only in the virtual space between you
and me in eternal embrace.

The Kiss is a 3D scan/mesh sculpture of the body of Entropy8Zuper! realized
in a number of different digital processes. The media in which it is rendered
are only views on the work itself.

The Kiss, Lipstick

desktop theater/desktop sculpture
standalone application for MacintoshPPC
made with love + Max/Nato

     1) doubbleclick to begin
     2) may take 1 minute to load... hold on.......
     3) windows may be moved and resized by `command+click+drag`
     4) windows may be closed via `command+w`
     5) `Hush!, hush!` to recover from `invasion of your private space` and
        `cathedral of love` modes (...if it is desired that you ever recover)
        the same may be accomplished by typing  `0` then `return.`
     6) don't like the colors you're getting?
        i suggest changing the colors of your desktop...
     7) repeat CHORUS until fade.

The Kiss, Incorporator

Blender plugin version
Windows Executable version

Left drag - Imagine yourself floating.
Right drag - Imagine yourself falling.

The Kiss is a series of projects involving the mesh that was the result of
Auriea Harvey and Michael Samyn being 3D-scanned together, kissing. This
technology is a very imperfect one -scanning, not kissing- and it is
optimized for objects and people in simple positions. As a result the scan
of the kiss is full of errors. We admired this creativity coming form the
machines and decided to use the mesh as is. The only modification we have
made, is reduce the number of polygons.
In "The Kiss, Incorporator", the user can make a journey through the inside
of our bodies as they were fused together by the machine. The word
incorporator is derived from Latin. Corpus means body. Incorporate,
according to www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary, means "to unite or work into
something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole" or "to
blend or combine thoroughly". And is of course related to "to form into a
legal corporation", as in a company.

to be continued....

don't forget to breathe.
Auriea Harvey & Michael Samyn
mailto:moi_non_plus at entropy8zuper.org

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