[syndicate] 3 New Features on Furtherfield Feb 3rd - 09.

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Tue Feb 3 17:24:22 CET 2009

(sorry for any cross postings)

3 New Features on Furtherfield Feb 3rd - 09.


Transmediale.09 Deep North.
By Giles Askham.
Transmediale.09 Deep North Festival purports to construct an impression 
of the polar regions as a place that can be "imagined but never truly 
captured". In seeking to move beyond prevailing notions of catastrophic 
environmental change and to examine its broader cultural consequences, 
the festival aims to adapt and explore creative technologies and point 
the way to political transformation and creative sustainability.
Permlink - http://www.furtherfield.org/displayreview.php?review_id=334

by Franz Thalmair.
In 2005 Peter Moertenboeck and Helge Mooshammer initiated the Networked 
Cultures project, a research platform on the potential of translocally 
networked spatial practices. Interviews, exhibitions, films and 
presentations are the many forms they collaborate on architecture, art 
and theory projects and investigate urban network processes, spaces of 
geocultural crises, and forms of cultural participation and 
Permlink - http://www.furtherfield.org/displayreview.php?review_id=332

The Sound of Ebay.
By KIm De Vries.
The Sound of eBay completes UBERMORGEN.COM's trilogy that also includes 
Amazon Noir and Google Will Eat Itself (GWEI)(1). In order to understand 
the significance of this work, a brief look at recent Net.Art history is 
helpful. The Sound of eBay seems far significant than it might at first 
glance. In this project we see the artists' efforts to get beyond the 
merely subversive, the superficially interactive, and aesthetically 
crude work that typified earlier Net.Art. However, I decided to actually 
ask UBERMORGEN.COM member, Hans Bernhard what they had been aiming to do...

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\---------------sum more info 

Reviews, interviews & articles:

About Furtherfield:
Furtherfield.org believes that through creative and critical engagement 
with practices in art and technology people are inspired and enabled to 
become active co-creators of their cultures and societies.

Furtherfield.org provides platforms for creating, viewing, discussing 
and learning about experimental practices at the intersections of art, 
technology and social change.

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