[syndicate] New book by Shigeru Matsui

Séamas Cain seamascain at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 20:30:36 CET 2008


Volume 9 of the poem-work CAMOUFLAGE by Shigeru Matsui has just been
published by The Photographer's Gallery in Tokyo, Japan.

This volume is composed of 84,000 characters ("/" forward slash 42,000
and "\" back slash 42,000) in total.

According to Matsui, CAMOUFLAGE "is a poetic practice about the
palindrome and the anagram, and the text as criticism.  At the same
time it is visual poem.  This poem-work's background is Saussure's
anagram study."  The title is taken from the following sentences of
Nabokov's novel The Gift : "Striped and spotted with words, dressed in
verbal camouflage, the important idea he wished to convey would slip
through ..."

Each issue of the series is published as a 20-paged chapbook,
soft-cover.  Volume 9 is incredibly beautiful.

For more information, see the web-site for The Photographer's Gallery at


Also, you will find Shigeru Matsui's web-site at


Best regards,

Séamas Cain


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