[syndicate] Re: The Return of the Gastarbajter & Sex in Transition

0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Mon Jun 30 10:11:24 CEST 2008

> “When you ask men what they think about it, most of the would answer
> that about intimacy that have never heard but sexually they are very
> active, great lovers (a legend close to Greek mythology ϑ) and that
> they can seduce any women.

I think the issue is not that Balkan men proclaim their incomparable  
virility and prowess per se
- but rather within what context it is understood.  From a modern,  
democratic, scientific and secular pov
it sounds hollow and obnoxious, and often leads to belittling  
comments from the 'civilized' westerners.

Taken within what I believe to be its true context, ie., that of a  
largely traditional society
in which myths establish apodictic truths, that is to say absolute  
truths and archetypes,
it denotes balkan men's desire to exist in primordial time and in the  
presence of the gods.

I am not suggesting that every balkan male showing off is conscious  
of this,
yet his behaviour is largely governed by these myths, which are in no  
inferior to the westerner's scientifically devised archetypes.

I consider it a compliment to communism that it did not completely  
pulverize this Balkan trait,
and hopefully it survives the onslaught of western democracy as well.  
It just needs a healthy context.

> On the other hand, most women would say,
> with allusive irony, that of intimacy they have long forgotten and
> that sex they accept as a duty, something they have to “execute”
> with their man, like preparing lunch, housekeeping or similar things.

As opposed to the west  where most women would say,
with allusive irony, that of intimacy they have long forgotten and
that sex they accept as a distraction from other distractions.

The issue again, is the desacralization of all aspects of existence,
under comunism and capitalism.

> […] in a small town, in which are still performed many old, even
> pagan customs, in which there is still fear of occultism (Vlah magic)

As opposed to large towns, where many people desacralize and  
commodify everything,
inclusive women for a piece of tangible Eu-topia, eg. some pos bmw

> and in which people are still closely (and shallowly) connected with
> their families, land, past, life revolves around “practicalities”.

Why shallowly +? Practicalities become practicalities
when they are desacralized.

> Most people think: “if I sow the land, it will give birth, if I sow
> a woman she also will give birth ϑ” and everything will function
> well on a superficial level

purely economic

> because I am a monkey and not a man! If I
> tough intimacy, it will touch me, which can be extremely fuck up,

Mmda ...

> and
> I don’t wish to have a fucked up life!” (Davor Radulj)

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