[syndicate] inetdance Japan news::

Yukihiko YOSHIDA yukihiko at s6.dion.ne.jp
Sun Jun 22 13:21:26 CEST 2008

Dear list,

Hello from TOKYO.
Here is news from the project, inetdance Japan.

Warmest Regards,
Yukihiko YOSHIDA

inetdance Japan news::

inetdance Japan had performance on 30th May, at Shibuya,Tokyo.
In this performance Ruby danced with avators in Second Life.
inetD at ance act.1
Image Clip on Youtube: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=1jFV0laJgyY

Additionally, we made short image clip with our concept, HandsDance.
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3512607 (Inside Japanese website,"Nico Nico
Douga". FYI, this website,"Nico Nico Douga" got "Hornorary Mensions" prize
at Ars Electornica http://www.aec.at/en/prix/winners_honorary.asp )
In this HandsDance image clip, we use the sound by Japanese idol pop star,
"Perfume" ( http://www.amuse.co.jp/perfume/ )

Our artist, Gekitora Gacket releases his work inside Second Life:

Here is clips on his work

inetdance Japan: Japanese project page http://www.inetdance.com/ 

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