[syndicate] \\ Balkan.OS

0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Wed Jun 11 11:46:14 CEST 2008

 > this alone would make it worth to head to singapore.
 > not directly content-related but ... is it normal that presenters  
at this conference have to pay a fee of 350 S$ to be allowed to give  
a talk?  cf http://www.isea2008singapore.org/registration.html
 > 350 singaporean $ ... that's about 600 romanian leu!

da - 700 ron
almost a month's salary in .ro! la sapa fratilor!

Re: registration. It isn't always the case.
But many of the presenters are financed by 'non-profit'
and government grants, ie. another modality for ensuring
only 'sanitary' + 'civilized' life forms attend.

oricum avionul este o problema si mai.
Paying 1500 euro to fly there etc is simply silly.

Allora ... time to rent another nicely scented Singaporean body  -.o

         \\ NN wants to RENT [jzzzzt] you:

         Must already be in \ around \ going to Singapore July 25 -  
Aug 03 08.

         Story telling / m9ndfzzp ability is imperative

         Reinbursment for the ISEA presentation: 200eur+

 > \\ .baftalapeste \tm\

mai degraba la pescuit prin balkan \da+da\

 >>| http://www.isea2008singapore.org/conference/conf_d-h.html
 >>              Balkan.OS  || A cosmological OS - The World beyond Time
 >>			\\ .tagueulebabacloanta \tm\

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