[syndicate] fwd: EXCEPTION, EXHIBITION attacked by violent nationalists IN BELGRADE

Andrej Tisma aart at EUnet.yu
Thu Feb 14 22:41:52 CET 2008

> see the image of the shooting hero in this crossover of a) real history
> and b) fake history. my question at this point is, who is interested in
> a) and/or b) ?

Well, you living in Germany could not be interested in real history,
although your Kanzelar will, as she said, recognize Kosovo independence
(which is a real hisotory). But we living here in Serbia must be interested
in real history because we will feel it on our backs. The next province to
separate could be Vojvodina, maybe that is the reason why the show in Novi
Sad, Vojvodina, was so well received by our politicians, namely the
president of (separatist) Vojvodinian Parliament. But in Belgrade ordinary
peole look at it (real history) diffrent way. Thousands of people in Serbia,
many family members and friends of those protestors, lost their lives to
free Kosovo from KLA paramilitary fighters (backed by NATO who later bombed
us). That is why they are "interested" in real hitory.
Again I say, the show is about art and it should be tolerated as it is. But
I am an artist and art critic, so I am looking at thing differently. Namely
I am more inetested in art than in "real history", but have understanding
for those others.

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