[syndicate] \\

0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Mon Feb 11 23:11:47 CET 2008

 > Is it that she is
 >> non-deserving of even being taken into consideration for not  
 >> with
 > your
 >> theoretical bs.

I already answered her in detail.
As most 'artists' she's not engaged in any dialog.

She's engaged in 'rights' , eg. securing the right
to insult the dignity of a people, in the name of 'art'

Art serves people not the ego's of artists.
'Art' that requires the protection of the authorities,
not unlike a Bush visit, is not art - but degenerate,
corrupt refuse.

It does not stand. It is kept standing by official crutches.

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